Git Commands

Git is an essential component that empowers collaboration, facilitates code management, and ensures the integrity of projects. Among the many version control systems available, Git stands as one of the most widely used and powerful tools. Git’s popularity owes much to its distributed nature, speed, and plethora of commands that cater to various aspects of version control.

The following are the most essential Git commands that every developer should master.

  1. Git Init
  2. Git Clone
  3. Git Add
  4. Git Commit
  5. Git Branches
  6. Git Status
  7. Git Checkout
  8. Git Switch
  9. Git Push
  10. Git Pull
  11. Git Restore
  12. Git Diff
  13. Git Notes
  14. Git rm
  15. Git mv
  16. Git log
  17. Git Mergetool

Don’t forget to download our well curated git commands cheatsheet pdf

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