Git Notes: A Comprehensive Guide


Git Commands

Git, a version control system widely used by developers, offers numerous features that enhance collaboration and streamline the development process. Git notes, a powerful but often overlooked command, is one such feature.

In this article, we will explore Git notes in-depth, discussing their purpose, usage, and benefits. We will also provide practical examples to help you grasp this useful tool in no time.

Also read: Git Commands

Understanding Git Notes

Why Use Git Notes?

In collaborative software development, efficient communication is critical. Git notes serve as a supplementary tool to annotate Git objects (such as commits), providing additional information or comments.

By attaching notes to specific points in the codebase, developers can share insights, instructions, or relevant information with fellow collaborators, making it easier to understand and work with the code.

Git Notes Commands

Adding and Listing Notes

To add a note to a specific object, we use the git notes add command, followed by the SHA-1 hash of the object and the desired note message. For example:

git notes add 3a4d65f -m "Added additional validation in line 42"

To list all the notes in a repository, we can utilize the git notes list command. This will display all the notes alongside their corresponding object hashes, enabling easy access to relevant information.

Showing Notes

To display the notes associated with a particular Git object, we employ the git notes show command, followed by the SHA-1 hash of the target object. This command helps retrieve valuable information related to a specific commit or any other Git object.

For instance, to show the note attached to commit 3a4d65f, we run:

git notes show 3a4d65f

Editing and Amending Notes

To update an existing note, we can use the git notes edit command, followed by the SHA-1 hash of the object with the note. This command opens the default text editor, allowing us to modify the note according to our requirements.

In cases where we need to replace an existing note entirely, we can utilize the git notes amend command, specifying the desired message for the note.

Collaboration with Git Notes

Sharing Git Notes

Git notes effortlessly facilitate communication within development teams. When pushing changes to a remote repository, Git automatically transfers the notes attached to the associated objects along with the commits.

To explicitly push the notes to the remote repository, we use the git push command, followed by the refs/notes/commits option. For example:

git push origin refs/notes/commits

Similarly, to retrieve the notes from a remote repository, we can employ the `git fetch` command, using the same `refs/notes/commits` option:

git fetch origin refs/notes/commits

Cloning Repositories with Notes

When cloning a repository, by default, Git only downloads the necessary objects. However, to include associated notes, we need to specify the --notes= option, followed by the relevant reference, such as --notes=refs/notes/commits.

For example, to clone a repository and include all the associated notes, we run:

git clone --notes=refs/notes/commits <repository URL>

Practical Use Cases

Code Review and Feedback

Git notes prove invaluable during code reviews, allowing reviewers to leave suggestions, questions, or recommendations directly attached to specific commits. This enables seamless collaboration, ensuring all feedback is appropriately captured and addressed.

Bug Tracking and Issue Management

Adding notes to specific commits related to bug fixes or feature development simplifies tracking and managing issues.

Developers can include relevant information about the bug, pointers to related discussions, or even reference the corresponding issue tracker ID in the notes, leading to more streamlined development workflows.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Customizing Git Notes Refs

Git provides flexibility in assigning custom refs while working with notes. This versatility allows us to use different note types or categorize notes according to our preferences. To customize refs, we modify the notes.ref configuration option in the .git/config file.

Displaying Notes in Git Log

To display notes alongside commit messages in the Git log, we can utilize the --show-notes=<refname> option with the git log command. This feature aids in quickly reviewing important information associated with individual commits without the need to explicitly show each note.


Git notes are a valuable tool for enhancing collaboration within development teams. By attaching supplementary information to specific Git objects, developers can communicate effectively and share essential insights easily.

Whether for code reviews, bug tracking, or streamlining issue management, Git notes have the potential to significantly improve the development process.

Mastering this often-overlooked command empowers developers to leverage Git’s features fully, leading to greater efficiency and productivity in software development.

Also, check our Git Commands category for more information on Git commands.

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