JavaScript Type Conversions



In JavaScript, type conversion refers to the process of changing the type of a value from one type to another. There are two types of type conversion in JavaScript: implicit and explicit.

Implicit type conversion occurs automatically when you perform an operation on values of different types. For example, if you add a number and a string, JavaScript will automatically convert the string to a number and perform the addition.

Explicit type conversion, on the other hand, requires you to use a function to convert a value from one type to another. Some of the functions you can use for explicit type conversion in JavaScript include:

  • Number(): Converts a value to a number.
  • String(): Converts a value to a string.
  • Boolean(): Converts a value to a boolean.
  • parseInt(): Converts a string to an integer.
  • parseFloat(): Converts a string to a floating-point number.

Here are some examples of type conversion in JavaScript:

let x = "10";
let y = 20;

// Implicit type conversion:
let z = x + y;  // z will be "1020" (string)

// Explicit type conversion:
let a = Number(x);  // a will be 10 (number)
let b = String(y);  // b will be "20" (string)
let c = Boolean(x);  // c will be true (boolean)
let d = parseInt(x);  // d will be 10 (number)
let e = parseFloat(x);  // e will be 10 (number)

It’s important to note that type conversion in JavaScript can sometimes have unexpected results, especially when dealing with non-primitive values like arrays and objects. It’s always a good idea to be careful and explicit about type conversion when necessary in your code.

You can find the complete JavaScript Tutorials here.

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